About the Department:
Geography (from Greek: geographia, literally “earth description”) is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets. Geography is defined in terms of two branches: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place. Physical geography is concerned with the study of processes and patterns in the natural environment like the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. The four historical traditions in geographical research are spatial analyses of natural and the human phenomena, area studies of places and regions, studies of human-land relationships, and the Earth sciences. Geography has been called “the world discipline” and “the bridge between the human and
the physical sciences”. Main Areas of Academic Thrust of Geography Department are- *Agricultural Geography, *Population Geography, *Environmental Geography, *Regional Development and Planning, *Social & Cultural Geography, *Urban Geography, *Settlement Geography, *Resource Development and Management, *Marketing Geography, *Health Geography, *Industrial Geography. The Department of geography has a Geographical Research Group to intensify research, to inculcate interest and to develop observational skills in Geography. The meetings are held regularly every fortnight. Teachers and students participate in these meetings. It is a forum for research students to present their doctoral works, the research papers and their findings and to defend it. Thorough discussions also take place. The Departmental library contains one of the richest collections of Books and Journals of Geography. At present it has many Books (reference and Texts Books) and Journals (International and national journals). The Department has a fully equipped Cartography Lab, Computer Lab, GIS Lab. and a Survey Lab.
Vision and Mission:
Vision: The Department of Geography’s mission is to provide its students with educational experiences of the highest quality and to conduct vital research that produces valuable publications. The department is committed to outstanding teaching and scholarly activities within the framework of academic freedom and diversity of ideas. The Department of Geography is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and to serving our communities, from local to global.
Mission: To lead the development of academic, educational, and research directions of human and natural systems, Urban and Rural Problems and geospatial information science, harnessing the integrative nature of geographic science to answer fundamental questions of global importance.
About The Head:

Dr. Pankaj Singh
Specialization:- Physical Geography, Regioal Development, Climatology, Remote sensing, Geographical Information System
Faculty Member(s):
Dr. Pankaj Singh
Specialization:- Physical Geography, Regioal Development, Climatology, Remote sensing, Geographical Information System
Mr. Shiv Shankar Prajapati(on leave)
Specialization:- Geomorphology, Climatology & Environmental Geography
Dr. Shivendra Pratap Singh
Specialization:- Human Geography & Economic Geography
Mr. Anupam Prakash
Specialization:- Human Geography
Dr. Krishna Kumar
Specialization:- Population Geography
Dr. P. L. Tripati
Specialization:- Environmental Geography and Agriculture Geography
Dr. Raj Kumar Gupta(On Leave)
Specialization:- Physical Geography and Geomorphology
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Tripathi
Specialization:- Population Geography and Urban Geography
Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh
Specialization:- Climatology and Regional Geography
Dr. Ajai Pratap Singh
Specialization:- Geography of India, Human Geography
Shri Abhishek Pratap Singh
Specialization:- Geomorphology and Urban Geography
Technical Staff
Some Outstanding Alumni of Department:
Name of Alumni | Passed Degree / Year (from KDC) | Designation / Affiliation | Present Address | Email id / Mobile Number |
Mr. Rajesh Pratap Singh | BA/2003 | SDM | NA | 9648413000 |
Dr. Vimal Kashyap | BA/2006 | Assistant Prof. Political Science | Central University of Himachal Pradesh | 9811500736 |
Dr. Dileep Maurya | BA/2006 | OSD-Deputy Chief Minister U.P. | NA | 9873878016 |
Mrs. Priya Gupta | B.A/2010 | Assistant Labor Commissioner (UPPSC) | NA | 8090166778 |
Ms. Shraddha Mishra | B.A/2013 | Assistant Prof. Political Science | Recommended by UPHESC 2020 | 8922091431 |
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